Since I can't give you any gift, so I send a prayer for you and post this photo which I've just edited for you today.
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Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Sunday, September 14, 2014
No More Gift to be Given
Since my Mom has gone, I hate loneliness so much, especially
when I’m having my PMS (Pra Menstrual Syndrome). I used to have a physical PMS, not the emotional one. It’s such a
fluctuation of hormones in my body, but you should believe me, this one hurts
so much. I can just cry by a simple sad thing or by remembering my Mom. I write the blue feelings here.
I still feel close to Mom, it feels like yesterday. Time
flies, it’s almost 6 months. It means that it is also almost her birthday. I
remember last year in these days I was thinking what gift to give to Mom. I was
so happy just to buy nice things for Mom. I couldn’t wait till the day come. I
had prepared everything well, I wrapped her gift sweetly with a letter inside
it. I decided to buy mom a new lipstick because she was always proud with one
of her expensive lipstick that had been bought about 10 years ago. She was
funny, she was proud for simple unnecessary thing. That makes Mom sometimes
funny to me.
This month, I look at the calendar and see her name on the
box of 24. I feel sad. So do my sister. There are no more gifts to be thought
about, to be brought, to be wrapped, and to be given. No more moment to be
waited, such as to see her surprised, laugh, pretending not knowing, and other
unexpected things.
So, I cry, cry so hard.
Ps. you may think that I am too melancholic or weak. It’s okay.
We had lived together for about 19 years, the last 10 years we spent just for both of us in a roof. How can I not feel losing her?
Friday, September 12, 2014
# VJ 'sign: Graphic Designer
You need a nice logo but you don't have much money to pay a graphic designer for it. You also need another graphic design for your online shop, event, job, T-shirt, Facebook cover, and others, but you find out that graphic designers always set a high price nowadays.
Don't worry, I think I can help you. I know a great graphic designer who has a good taste and a reasonable price.
It is VJ 'sign.
You can visit the Facebook in
or contact via BBM 75cfed2b (input the personal message).
VJ 'sign always gives the best services and the most creative design.
"You have a great taste of design, why don't you try to earn money and help yourself by opening design order? I bet you'll have a lot of customer." -VO
"This is cool! I hope you want to become a graphic designer for my business." -FelN
"Every nice design always comes from the heart." -unknown
Friday, September 5, 2014
Don't you ever regret,
I find this in my old files, it was written about two years ago, when I was not understand so much things.
I wanna tell you…
There is a girl. She is always cheerful. You can see her
smile everyday and you do not need to pay for that. She is the smiling girl. At
the first time, you might think that she is a taciturn girl. But when you step
closer, knowing her more, actually she is a friendly girl. She likes joking and
laughs a lot. There is no any day without her laugh.
Who knows if a girl like her is having a lot of problems in
her life?
She has no wonderful family. She is a broken home child. Her
family almost broke. Her father no longer loves her and her mother acts like
the Queen. Only her sister who left and loves her so much. Despite, she loves
her father and mother so much and prays for them every night. She also does
that to her sister.
She is lovable. She cares. She loves children and does a lot
of social activity. She helps children who are inadequate of education and
love. She always thinks that she has almost the same fate as them. But she does
not want that happen continuously. She shares her thoughts and love to them. By
doing so, she gets more values of life and also love too.
She is optimistic. Her motto of life is “everything is
possible”. She believes that dreams can come true. She has ever experienced it.
She is hardworking and having a bunch of dreams.
Some things that I wrote are true till now and some things are so different now.
She is still the smiling girl. Yes, she likes joking so much. She still cares to everyone around her.
But she has no abandoning father and bossy mother anymore.
I am 19 and now I understand that people must try to see the other perspective to understand a problem. I tried it and I figured out that Daddy is actually loving me but he has a different way to express it. I figured out that Mommy loves me too much that she always wants the best for me so she dictates me everything which looks best from her sight.
But she has no abandoning father and bossy mother anymore.
I am 19 and now I understand that people must try to see the other perspective to understand a problem. I tried it and I figured out that Daddy is actually loving me but he has a different way to express it. I figured out that Mommy loves me too much that she always wants the best for me so she dictates me everything which looks best from her sight.
If you have the same thought as I thought about two years ago, you should believe me now that our parents always love their children. They might be just have not found the right way to deliver their love to you. You should respect them. They just try so hard to make you have the best food, the best education, the best future, and others. It they ask you to hear them or to do a favour, just do it. They have just done a hard day and ask a help to you. If they ask your time just give some for them. Don't you ever regret on the other day, when someday they must leave you, then you won't get the chance to do a favour for them anymore. You won't get the chance to spend time together with them anymore.
Do the best for them while you can do. Do the best as they try to give the best for you.
Seeing their smile is a wonderful gift. Trust me.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
# Duta Lingkungan
Aku tidak ingat ini impian yang ke berapa, yah yang ke
sekian saja, deh.
Aku tidak ingat juga sejak kapan aku jadi peduli dengan
lingkungan, tapi yang pasti aku sangat kesal saat melihat ada orang yang
membakar sampahnya di tengah-tengah pemukiman. Rasanya ingin langsung
memadamkannya saja, menyiramkan air sebanyak mungkin, agar pelakunya kesal dan
tidak bisa membakarnya lagi, hahaha. Mau marah? Silahkan, toh, yang salah Anda.
Kenapa, sih, sampah harus dibakar? Memangnya tidak tahu, ya,
kalau membakar sampah itu selain membahayakan paru-paru diri sendiri,
membahayakan paru-paru orang lain yang ada di sekitarnya dan juga kelangsungan
hidup dunia ini! Mungkin agak berlebihan, tapi ini adalah dampak yang akan
terjadi di masa depan.
Pernah aku melihat sepetak tanah yang merupakan tempat
sampah dibakar. Sepertinya sudah biasa sampah itu dibakar di tempat tersebut.
Saat mendongak, tahukah apa yang aku lihat, pepohonan yang berada di sekitar
petak tanah itu semuanya kering kerontang tak berdaun dan gugur begitu saja.
Sedih sekali melihatnya. Hak hidup pepohonan tersebut telah dirampas.
Ada pula peristiwa lain, saat aku menaiki kendaraan umum,
aku melihat banyak penumpang yang sehabis menyeruput minuman kemasan, atau
merokok, makan, dan lainnya, langsung “menerbangkan” sampahnya melalui pintu
kendaraan. Hello! Apakah udara dan jalanan merupakan tempat sampah? Apakah ada
ajaran “Buanglah sampah melalui pintu atau jendela,” ? Tahu tidak, sih, jika
setiap individu memiliki perilaku yang sama, maka jalanan di negara ini akan
penuh sampah. Aku langsung menatap penumpang tersebut dengan sinis dan berharap
ia sadar diri. Penumpang tersebut melihatku, tapi entah ia menyadari
kekesalanku atau tidak.
Dari kepedulian-kepedulian ini lah aku ingin menjadi duta
lingkungan di negeri ini. Aku ingin menerapkan sistem cinta lingkungan yang
efektif agar kota-kota di Indonesia menjadi tempat yang lebih nyaman dan bersih
seperti negara tetangga. Hidup jadi lebih sehat dan pepohonan tumbuh rindang,
segar dipandang oleh mata. Bukan, pohon mati yang merusak pemandangan. Selain
itu, lumayan, kan, bisa menurunkan potensi banjir juga.
Aku ingin kita semua sadar bahwa kita telah dianugerahi
lingkungan indah, bermanfaat, dan luar biasa secara cuma-cuma. Kita tidak
membayar atau menyewa, semua milik bersama. Mengapa dirusak? Tidakkah kamu
menghargai pemberian indah ini? Apakah kamu tidak peduli dengan orang lain yang
juga memiliki lingkungan ini. Ingat, tidak hanya dirimu yang memiliki
lingkungan, kamu tidak bisa seenaknya
mengotori lingkungan.
Aku harap orang yang membaca tulisanku ini mau ikut
melakukan gerakan cinta lingkungan bersama-sama denganku. Bila kamu memiliki
tetangga atau kenalan yang sering membakar sampah, tolong katakan bahwa umurnya
dan umur orang sekitarnya telah berkurang 1 tahun setiap membakar sampah. Bila
kamu memiliki sampah dan tidak menemui tempat sampah, tolong simpan sebentar di
dalam kantong atau tasmu hingga kamu menemui tempat sampah. Jangan berpikir
bahwa sampah ini hanya kecil dan tidak akan berefek apapun. Ingat, bila setiap
individu berpikir demikian, maka dunia ini akan penuh sampah. Mulailah dari
diri sendiri, maka orang lain akan malu dan mengikuti dirimu.
Tambahan saran dariku, sebaiknya lingkungan diperjualbelikan
saja. Pembayarannya bukanlah dengan uang, tetapi dengan perilaku peduli dan
cinta lingkungan sehingga hanya orang yang menghargai lingkungan yang dapat
memiliki lingkungan dan mendapatkan haknya untuk hidup sehat dan nyaman.
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